FoTRRIS: on the way to Responsible Research and Innovation through transitional experiments

The second consortium meeting of the FoTRRIS project was held from 11-13 May 2016, after summarising the results received from more than 60 in-depth interviews on responsible research and innovations in the EU and initiating discussions on the implementation of transitional experiments in  Austria, Belgium, Spain, Italy and Hungary. Transitional experiments will test and validate the FoTRRIS concepts and collaborative tools for collaborative RRI  (co-RRI) in these countries. The meeting was organised in cooperation with the members of  the Advisory Board, who shared their experiences about existing R&I systems and visions for co-RRI.

The consortium is currently implementing the experiments. Different actors (such as researchers, businesses, citizens, politicians, etc.) will be  involved in the core activity of the transitional experiments – the development of multidisciplinary projects, which will be based on a bottom-up approach, aiming to co-construct a shared vision as a potential solution for glocal challenges of resource scarcity.

Collaboration between these actors will be realised through the newly developed online collaborative platform. The platform will provide innovative services to facilitate the interactions between stakeholders and to support knowledge actors to co-design RRI projects, communicate and disseminate co-RRI activities, results and storage of lessons learnt from past RRI projects.

Transitional experiments will be finalised with five workshops in the partner countries presenting the lessons learnt from the experiments, underlying systemic barriers for co-RRI projects, impacts of co-designing research with the help of the web-based collaborative platform for stakeholders, changes in the interpretation of the meaning of “responsibility”, “innovation” etc. whilst providing the basis for developing recommendations for further RRI policy development.

See all photos here 

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