The FoTRRIS – Foster Transition towards Responsible Research and Innovation Systems (Horizon 2020 programme) – project objective is to offer efficient and effective methods for researchers, citizens, businesses and policy-makers to solve ‘glocal’ challenges in a co-RRI way. The methodology of the project relies on the design of transition arenas associated with a support of a competence cell. Transition arenas are groups of people interested in co-solving a glocal challenge. To support sustainability of these units and support their activities and impact, the FoTRRIS project will further develop its co-RRI concept (co- means collaboration), a stage-gate methodology for ensuring a standardised and responsible answer to glocal challenges and its concept of transition arenas and competence cell.
During the round table discussions representatives of both initiatives (Right to the Future and FoTRRIS) had a possibility to exchange knowledge about organisation of collaborative activities for stakeholders and citizens and activities’ facilitation underlying the importance of the citizen’s central role in this process.
This exchange of experiences and practical work with Right to the Future participants confirmed once more that citizens have practical knowledge and vision for a better tomorrow, their input and skills are as important as researchers’ and only common activities can help society to overcome societal challenge.
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